Health Care Benefits for

Small Business Owners

Healthcare Benefits & Small Businesses

Small businesses make up a huge portion of the economy, employing over 61 Million Americans as of 2021. Small businesses accounted for over 65% or 10.5 Million of net new jobs created in the US between 2000 - 2019, and this number is growing.

Small businesses with less than 50 full-time equivalent employees are not reqired to meet the federal group health care benefit requirements under the Affordable Care Act. This means they have greater flexibility and often times more affordability when it comes to providing group health benefits for their employees.

How attractive is your small business to potential new employees?

How appealing is your small business to existing key employees you want to retain?

Group Health Benefits - Considerations

  • 88% of employees list health benefits as one of their top considerations when deciding staying with a current employer or seeking new employment.
  • 50%+ of employees said company provided benefits were a stronger factor than salary when deciding who to work for.
  • 16% of their annual salary is the average replacement cost of an entry level employee, earning less than $30k/yr; 20% for mid-level employees earning $30k - $50k/yr; and 25% for upper management/execute level employees eanring $75k/yr or more.
  • Providing group health benefits can directly lower payroll taxes for both the employer and the participating employees

Sources:,, Fractl Survery,,, economic activity research

Health Care Benefits

Don't have to be complicated or expensive

Affordable Reliable Accessible Health Benefits for Small Business

If your small business has less than 50 full-time equivalent employees, AMG can help you provide your employees with reliable and accessible health care benefit plan options that won't break the bank - for you or your employees!

Small Group Health Benefit Options Include:

Virtual Direct Primary Care

VDPC provides comphrehensive diagnosis and treatment for illness or injury, chronic conditions, and gender-specific health concerns. 24/7 availability.

Virtual Behavioral Health

Mental health issues deteriorate one's quality of life; VBH can help provide therapy through the convenience and privacy of a virtual platform.

Virtual Urgent Care

VUC is for the treatment of minor health concerns, when you don’t have the time for an in-person visit at the doctor's office or urgent care.

Outpatient Primary Care / Urgent Care Visits

When you need an in-office doctor or urgent care visit, you'll have access to one the largest nationwide networks available with $25 copays.

Wellness & Preventive Care

No copay or deductible for covered wellness and preventive exams, including immunizations, for adults and children.

Accident Expense Benefits

Pays you directly in the event of a covered injury accident; includes doctor visits, surgery, and more.

Hospital Indemnity Benefits

Pays you directly in the event you are hospitalized; provides additional riders for outpatient illness and injury, critical illness, and preventive care.

Prescription Benefits

Includes over 2000 covered FDA approved drugs with more than 200 of the most prescribed at only $1; plus home delivery and prescription assistance.

Comphrehensive Care

Comprehensive care includes hospitalization, in/out patient surgery, ICU, ER, maternity, physical therapy, medical devices, and much more.

Dental & Vision

No waiting periods or network requirements. Full access to all benefits starting on effective date.