Health Care Benefits for

Large Employer Groups

Healthcare Benefits & Large Employers

When it comes to insurance and group benefits, large employer groups are businesses that employ more than 50 full-time equivalent employees.

It is noteworthy to mention that this number (50) is not comprised solely of traditonally labelled "full-time employees"; nor is it limited to the employees of a single business entity in the event of common ownership.

ACA Compliance

If your business employees 50 or more full-time equivalent employees, you are required under federal law to provide a qualified healthcare plan to your employees that satisfies both the Part A and Part B requirements as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Group Health Benefits - Considerations

  • 88% of employees list health benefits as one of their top considerations when deciding staying with a current employer or seeking new employment.
  • 50%+ of employees said company provided benefits were a stronger factor than salary when deciding who to work for.
  • 16% of their annual salary is the average replacement cost of an entry level employee, earning less than $30k/yr; 20% for mid-level employees earning $30k - $50k/yr; and 25% for upper management/execute level employees eanring $75k/yr or more.
  • Providing group health benefits can directly lower payroll taxes for both the employer and the participating employees

Health Care Benefits

Don't have to be complicated or expensive